Wow – 2018 already.. I have been quiet here.. but busy – LIGHTPAINTING

Well it’s a new year and I have a new resolution..  push out some good quality Video’s to help grow YouTube and then get this blog kept up to date.

These things take time and I guess just like you find.. it’s an increasingly rare commodity !

I have, however, been pretty busy with some new experiments.. this time in light painting..

The first was done using a torch with half a pingpong ball attached to the top to give a glow that’s visible from many angles.. btw – the message is aimed at you all 🙂

This was a 10 second exposure with the colour balance pushed right up.. light source was an iphone 6 flashlight being moved around quickly.. has a Terminator 2 feel to it.

This last one was shot on a Samsung S8 using pro mode and again 10 seconds..

The sparks came from me spinning some wirewool inside a metal whisk on a chain.. I lit the wirewool with a PP3 battery.. a lighter works equally well.

I will shortly post a how-to video on YouTube with some more great examples.

Happy new year !

PowerDirector 15

Just caught this little nugget from doing some searching online..

The yet to be announced Cyberlink PowerDirector 15 !!

powerdirector 15

There is also some info and screen images within the video I found here:

The 360 degree video support and layer blend modes in PowerDirector 15 sound just the ticket.. been waiting for the blend modes for years !!  a feature I have always loved in Adobe Premiere Pro.

Look forward to getting my upgrade soon..


Amazing (& cheap) USB lights

USB Lights


I’ll have a great little review of these brilliant little USB lights up on YouTube very shortly.

These gems should be on your keys, in your laptop case and maybe even just tucked in your wallet / purse.

Super bright light from pretty much any USB socket / port / charger / OTG cable / emergency power bank etc etc

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